Moose Hamburgers grilled on the Barbeque. Mmm Good!!

One of my favorite summer foods, moose hamburgers!

We had a gathering of friends on the weekend and decided we should cook up barbequed burgers for everybody. I don't now about you and your friends but a friendly gathering around the BBQ and campfire is something we love to do. We are fortunate to live in the country away from the city core so on occasion our gatherings will include a campfire. Sitting around the fire is a great way to relax and get caught up with the goings on with your friends... Don't you think?

Everyone loves Summer Barbeques, and Moose Hamburgers on the grill are no exception so I thought I would share how to cook moose hamburgers. We added a Pasta and Potato Salad and were set.

Barbeque Moose Hamburger

How to Make Moose Burgers

Ingredients (makes 16 patties):

  • Moose Mince (3 pounds)
  • 6 Cloves Garlic - pressed
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Bread Crumbs
  • 1/2 Cup Bread Crust Crumbs
  • 3/4 cup Barbeque Sauce
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp Fresh Ground Pepper
  • 1/2 Cup Hot Chilli Sauce (just enough for flavor not enough to offend anyone)
Moose Hamburger Mince Mixture


  1. Pre-heat Barbeque
  2. Combine all ingredients in large bowl
  3. Thoroughly mix
  4. Make patties by taking about 3/4 cup of moose meat mixture and flatten. Place on a piece of wax paper for ease of removal. Continue until all moose meat has been used.
  5. Cook you patties until the moose meat juice starts to pool on the surface of the patties. Turn the patties over and complete the cooking process. Follow the chart below for recommend temperatures for cooking moose meat hamburgers.

I like to put all my patties on a large tray and then place them in the freezer until I am ready to use them. It doesn't matter if they freeze, if all the time you have is for them to get a little stiff... that's OK. It helps to keep the patties together while cooking.

If you don’t use all your patties at once place a piece of waxed paper between each one and then let them freeze for future use. For longer storage, once frozen I put my moose hamburger patties into freezer bags for easy access. If you want to grind your own moose meat get a quality grinder to do the job. Any leftover meat from the previous year can easily be ground.

I filmed the process of making moose burgers, in the film I varied the recipe... which we often do!

Hint: Moose Meatloaf Recipe

You can always take the same mixture from the moose hamburgers and place it into a loaf pan... voila... easy moose meatloaf!

Me, Barbequing Hamburgers
This is me, Mark barbequing moose burgers for our guests. Caught me with my favorite summer beverage, beer!
Got me moose B’y!
A close up view of my Barbeque Apron. "Got me moose B’y" is found on lots of different types of merchandise in Newfoundland. One day I hope to visit Newfoundland to explore the rich history and hunt the moose.
Raw Moose Mince Meat
Note how lean (low fat) moose hamburger meat is! Moose meat is all natural and therefore a healthy choice from the red meat group.

Add your favourite dressings and voila you have the makings for a perfect meal!

We added leaf lettuce, sliced tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, sauteed onion, mozzarella cheese and our own special sauce.

Special Sauce

  • Mayonnaise
  • Hamburger Relish
  • Ketchup

Mix equal portions of mayonnaise and hamburger relish, add about one quarter of your mixture in ketchup. Example: 1/2 cup mayo, 1/2 cup relish, 1/4 cup ketchup. Internal Temperature for Cooked Moose Meat

  • Internal temperature of 125-135 = Rare
  • Internal temperature of 135-140 = Medium Rare
  • Internal temperature of 145-150 = Medium
  • Internal temperature of 160 = Well Done
  • Internal temperature of above 170 = Don’t Bother... Hahahaha!

Nutritional value of Moose Meat

Moose meat is naturally low in fat, and because it comes from the wild it contains no harmful chemicals or hormones. Moose meat is so low in fat that you often have to add some to prevent it from being dry. When we process our moose meat we do not add any fat to our mince, choosing instead to add fat when cooking as needed.


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And don't forget to order one of our Fiberglass Moose Calls. In stock and ready to ship.

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