Look High for Bulls in the early season

by Steve

There are moose in these hills during the early season

There are moose in these hills during the early season

Early in the season you should hunt in the higher elevations as this is where the Bull Moose hang out until the rut. The Bulls like the high elevations to get away from predators and bugs.

During the early morning and late evening the Bulls may go down to the lower levels for a drink (maybe even a snooze), but typically stay high until breeding season.

During the rut you will find the Bulls down at lake and swamp level looking to wow the ladies. This is the best time to use those Cow Moose calls you have been practicing all summer.

Cow and calf Moose on the other hand stay near lakes and swamps for food and safety. They know that if they can get into the water they are able to escape danger.

I once witnessed a Cow and Calf Moose swim across a small lake to escape chasing wolves. Once safe on the far shore they just hung out and fed keeping a close eye and ear on the other side.

It was very cool to watch.

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by: Mark - Site Owner

You are so right Steve, hunting the high country during the early season is a good way to increase your success ratio.


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