Mel's Venison Brisket

by Mel McIntosh
(Abbotsford, BC, Canada)

Has anyone ever seen a brisket from a deer that was worth the trouble of trying to salvage two pounds of meat? They are composed of fat, gristle, bone and some delicious meat providing it is cooked within the brisket.

Remove the brisket by cutting through the soft gristle connecting it to the ribs.

Since there are no roasting pans long enough to hold a brisket, cut it in half so the smaller piece fits inside the larger.

Start the cooking process in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 200-225 for 10 hours. Potatoes, celery, carrots, onions and garlic can be added for the last hour. A considerable amount of "oil" will be rendered from the brisket so it should not be left to sit in the bottom of the roaster.

Serve hot, and remove as much meat as possible as the fat will congeal rather quickly.

This is a cut that you will never find in a restaurant.

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Sep 13, 2011
Venison Brisket
by: Mark - Site Owner

Thanks for the recipe Mel. Looks interesting! Next time you cook this up send us a photo and we will post it along with the recipe. It would be nice for the site visitors to actually see what you are talking about.

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