Moose Meat Smells Skunky When Cooking

by My Nose Dosen't Lie

Moose meat shepherds pie smells super delicious while cooking!

Moose meat shepherds pie smells super delicious while cooking!

My husband shot a bull moose, out of the rut, the meat was skinned & butchered by a professional. When I cook the meat it smells skunky? Have never had this happen before ~ anyone have a similar experience?


Moose Meat Smells Skunky When Cooking?

Not being in your kitchen when you are cooking the moose meat make it hard to decide exactly what skunky smells like.

I do know what a skunk smells like and if that is what your moose meat smells like... well, maybe the dogs will like it?

I have smelled some pretty gamey smells before from deer meat while cooking. If that is what you are describing... well, we didn't eat much of that deer.

You say that your moose was skinned by a professional.
  • I wonder how long was the moose carcass with it's hide still intact?

  • Was the animal aged in a cooler?

  • Is there a possibility of bone sour?

It's very important in order to eliminate bad flavor and odor to have the animal cooled as quickly as possible. That can only be achieved by hide removal as soon as possible, preferably within hours of death.

On a side note: I understand that Caribou shot in the rut smells so bad that even dogs won't eat it!

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Dec 27, 2015
How to get the smell out
by: Dar

Can the meat it will take the smell out of the gameus meats. Add jack rabbit to full rut deer when canning takes care of it.

Dec 16, 2015
Skunky moose
by: Watson Lake

Moose meat does not change flavour in my opinion, at any time!
The previous commenter asked about the cooling of the meat. Very important to cool quickly as possible and also keep the meat dry.

When skinning if the hair gets on the meat there is usually a bad smell left behind. If there is some hair on the meat then very important to hang the meat and let it get a hard crust (bark).

Moving air and cool does the trick. Do not use the bark in your hamburger or stew meat.

***Make certain all the bloodshot areas are cut out.***

Keep everything clean.

A little effort here goes a long way to having some of the best meat you have ever tasted.

Regarding caribou bulls in the rut and meat. The meat is totally unpalatable. Yes dogs will not eat it.
There is no known way to get the smell and taste out of caribou meat. If you suspect caribou are in the rut watch them closely for sparring bulls and following a cow around. Leave them alone.

Watson Lake

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