moose scrapes/wallows

by joe
(west kootenay, bc, canada)

Tree 1

Tree 1

I was hiking along a well used game trail that ran through a cedar forest. Lots of moose droppings and bear scat around.
Almost all of the cedar trees near the trail were rubbed, even the big trees (2 meters + circumference). The big trees were so roughed up that they appeared fuzzy.
question: is this a moose's handy work?

The trail eventually came to a pool of standing water with some moose tracks in it.
Question: is this a wallow? or a watering hole?

Your trees were likely scratching posts for bears not rubs by moose. At least that is what appears to me.

As for the water, it is likely the moose would have a drink from that puddle, but it is not what I would consider a watering hole, otherwise the whole area would be trampled.

It wouldn't be a wallow either unless it is just an old one that is no longer in use.

You would probably benefit from a trail camera in the area so you can see the caliber of moose that are traveling through that spot.

~ Mark - The Mooseman

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Not Moose
by: Bear Necessities

Bear not moose 100%
But nice find none the less.

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