by Jared Edwards
(San Antonio, TX)
Smoked Elk Prime Rib
The ultimate way to prepare the finest red meat in the world. You'll need a few hours and the front third portion (whole) of a quality piece of aged back-strap. This can be a white-tail deer, but it really works better with a larger strap from an Elk, Nilgai, Reindeer, or better yet Moose. If the back-strap is fresh, wrap in plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator for 7 - 14 days to age. Trim green edges with a filet knife. Set Rib Roast out for 2 hours so that it is room temperature all the way through.
Get a good smoker up to 250 degrees with Mesquite charcoal. While the smoker is getting hot, prepare your fresh herb rub (assuming a 5 pound Elk Rib Roast):
-3 Large Garlic Cloves, minced
-1/3 Cup Onion, minced
-2 sprigs of fresh parsley, finely chopped
-1/4 cup course ground Black Pepper
-2 Tablespoons Sea Salt
-4 Tablespoons of very soft butter
Mix together this fresh rub in a mixing bowl or cooking pan large enough to roll the Rib Roast in.
Once the Rib Roast is at room temperature and fully coated in your fresh herb rub, roll-sear the Roast over the direct heat side of your smoker for 3-4 minutes (or not more than 1 minute per side). Put a meat thermometer into the middle of the roast and place into the middle of the smoker until the center of the roast is 135 degrees. This should take 2-3 hours for a 5 lb. Elk Rib Roast at 250 degrees.
Remove the roast and place on large cutting board with drain canals around the side. Let the roast sit for 5 minutes. You will see the internal temperature rise, and then plateau just under 140 degrees. Remove the thermometer and slice into 1.5" steaks and serve with creamy horseradish sauce on the side. Enjoy your lean, grass-fed, 100% organic slab of red meat with your favorite deep Red Wine! Serve with some premium seafood such as steamed crab legs or Jumbo Seared Scallops (pictured on a bed of avocado salad) for the truly ultimate surf-n-turf.
Comments for Smoked Venison Prime Rib
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